Thursday, August 6, 2009

All About Eve Ep.1-4 and Amat

All About Eve is a nice drama. It didn't leave that much of an impression and the cinematography is not really that good but the story is interesting and the dynamics are good. This time the rich and spoiled girl is not the evil one. Sun Mi is nice and friendly, in love with her father's girlfriend's son for years. Her mother died when she was young but her father is a really good guy who takes care of her and although in a steady relationship with a woman Sun Mi likes. Woo Jin is the son of that woman (I'll call her Mom) and they would have made a good couple, he wants to be a cameraman and she a newscaster. But he only sees her a sister.

Enter Young Mi, a woman whose father was a part time worker in a village and he dies while working for a project for Sun Mi's dad. Dad is impressed with Young Mi's hard working and ambitions to make something of herself. She is to go to the same university as Sun Mi. Feeling guilty for her father Dad decides to help Young Mi out by letting her stay for free at Woo Jin's and his horny friend's studio. But since Young Mi is a very beautiful young woman he decides it would be better to hide this from his girlfriend and Sun Mi. Woo Jin agrees and befriends Young Mi. But of course this secret doesn't remain a secret for so long since Mom visits often and one day sees them talking.
Anyway the main guy meanwhile is London staying away from his dad since he left him and his mother when he was a teenager and remarried. He hates his dad but in general not a bad guy at all.
What happened is that now Young Mi and Woo Jin are in love, Sun Mi went to England to get away from them. Met Hyong Chul (the main guy) there and returned back to declare her love to Woo Jin. But Woo Jin told her that he is in love with Young Mi.
Young Mi is an ambitious woman. Her mother left her when she was young and her father was a drunkard. She studied hard though and decided to be a newanchor. She also had a relationship in the village with a shady guy who followed her to Seoul. She tried to end the relationship but the guy threatened to beat Woo Ji (the guy is a gangster and he operates a bar) if Young Mi does not work in the bar drinking with guys and kissing them on their cheeks. Young Mi's activites are known to Mom who never liked her. And she doesn't want Woo Ji to go out with her. Young Mi is very jealous of Sun Mi and her lucky life, rich loving father, an uncle who is a senior in MBS (a TV station). Meanwhile this Uncle and his co anchor lady are good friends with Hyong Chul. Anchor Lady even is sort of in love with him and visits him in London but he gently tells her that he doesn't plan on loving anyone. But he meets Sun Mi and even though it is not yet love, there is a good friendship and some affection between them.
In the university there is a competition for hosting a show - both girls study mass media- and they both want to be the host of the show now.

I have finished Amat and enjoyed it very much. A mix of myth, fiction, religion with a dose of symbolism and the little details of life in the Ottoman Empire, it is a delightful read. According to the book Amat is the pronunciation of hebrew word Emet which means the truth.

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