Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Aviator (and Ambition and Punishment)

The Aviator (2004) Directed by Martin Scorsese, written by John Logan.

I liked it very much but then again I love the film making of Martin Scorsese especially his use of light. And Leonardo DiCaprio is a wonderful actor (and a great looking man). The film lost some of its goodness due to the presence of the known characters, if they were not so in your face (to be honest I have no idea how to do that since this film is based on real events and people) then one would not compare the actors to the stars since even though they all did a good job, it kind of took away from the film.

Meanwhile Ambition and Punishment continue to be good. The satire, like all good satires contains some sincere emotions as well and these are like the salt of a good dish.

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