Monday, August 24, 2009

Cain and Able - End and a few films

I have not been able to write since Ramadan and laziness. Now I have to catch up.

I'm still reading Stephen King's short stories and it is going fine.

Finally finished Cain and Able today and sadly I admit that it was not a good purchase. No matter how cute So Ji Sob is. And he is cute. Also he is a decent actor but something didn't gel in this drama. I didn't even cry. Ok at one point I shed a few tears but it is mostly due to Han Ji Min's acting. She was crying so bad (and for a good reason too) that it got to me. But this is a 20 episode drama and it is filled with sadness. Anyway I don't recommend this and I'd be happy to give it to someone who'll appreciate it more than I did.

I have watched more than half of Speed Racer and I liked it much better than the rest of the world did. Also re watched Keeping The Faith and liked it just as well as I did the first time. Hmmm what else? Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This film was stupid and long but my cousin's twelve year old wanted to watch it and we watched it with him. I also watched a few episodes of Law and Order: Criminal Intent. I like this show and both of the male leads. I have a soft spot for Jeff Goldblum since Jurassic Park.

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