Saturday, September 19, 2009

Propose Oishii and The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo

Since blogger has problems I just will post the missing days in this one

19 September 2009
There are problems with the blog and I was not able to post anything. Today was the last day of Ramadan and thank God that I was able to fast all through it :)
Last night I watched three more episodes of Propose Oishi and I didn't get any better. The only thing I really like is the UST between the OTP. Everything in the show is so obvious and UST works with that approach but not much else.

18 September 2009
Last night I have watched another episode of Propose Oishii and it was more of the same. Hero rescued our heroine from an unpleasant situation and promptly rejected by the love of his life. He cried but found some consolation in the soup she made for him. Really we all know a rom com is a formula but most of the time one tends to forget it and gets captivated with the story. Not this time. Also the male lead looks like a high school kid.

17 September 2009
I was not able to write anything due to some internet set up misunderstanding I've had but thank God it is resolved. Meanwhile I started Propose Oishii and now understand why this show is not very popular. The story is about an older woman (who is not yet thirty) and a younger man. The woman is a good chef who wants to open her own restaurant someday and the man is the only son of a conglomarate owner. So far it is something we are used to but they cater so many romantic kinks in such a blatant and awkward way that one feels a bit insulted. There were scenes from Pretty Woman, My Name is Kim Sam Soon and Lovers in Paris. I've decided to stick with it since it is entertaining (thought not the way they meant to be I suspect) but it just in not a good show.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, on the other hand, deserves all the good reviews so far. I'm enjoying it very much.

15 September 2009
Two shipments arrived today thank God. So now I have a small selection of goodies to choose from. Ok I already started to read The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo which is so far promising. And I think I'll go for the Japanese Propose Oishii, too bad there aren't much info on this one on net. I just chose it based on the synopsis. I love looking at food so I hope I'll like it.

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