Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jumong XXV - XXVI

Jumong is back on in my life after a few days of absence and it got even better.

After Daeso made a deal with the Hyunto Governor, he returned to Puyo with the blacksmiths saying everyone that they were Josun immigrants he saved from Han, (only Prime Minister is in on the secret). The blacksmiths made very good swords noting the fact that they are not as good as Han swords but better than current Puyo swords. King was very pleased but Mopalmo (the manager of the iron chamber) is sad since the blacksmiths refuse to teach them the secret of making stronger swords.

Meanwhile Jumong travelled in the neighbouring Han territory and checked the conditions of immigrants out. He is very determined to continue his father's mission. And he told his comrades (Oi, Mari and Hyunpo) the facts about his birth.

In return to Puyo Jumong's mother told him that the reason she came to the palace after Jumong was born is to give him power in order to fufil his mission. She said that there is no one helping him now. Jumong had a meeting with the King and the King told him about Haemosu and his friendship with him. Jumong thanked him for looking after him and his mother but he also said he cannot forgive Daeso and Yuongpo for what they did. Meanwhile Daeso was also waiting to see the King but after Jumong left King refused to see Daeso. And he was furious.

Youngpo still thinks he is crown prince material and I kind of find him funny. He discussed with black market dealer what to do to win the competition now that Daeso is so far ahead with his new swords. Dochi (black market dealer) told him that everyone has a weakness and Daeo's is Jumong.

King held a meeting and made Jumong head of palace body guards. Apparently one of the most important positions in the palace. Jumong brought his comrades to the palace to include them in the bodyguard team and send the very unhappy Mopalmo to Keru to work on the secret of making steel swords. Sosunho took Mopalmo to Keru and soothed the Keru tribal chiefs who were disconcerted with Yontabal being away in Puyo for such a long time. Meanwhile Yontabal also made a deal with Hyunto governor about borrowing a blacksmith to learn how to make better swords. But as opposed to two faced Daeso who agreed to wed Governor's daughter in order to become the crown prince, Yontabal actually paid for this service of Han.

Meanwhile King had a meeting with Jumong and asked him not to hate Daeso and Youngpo since he, the King is the guilty one because he couldn't protect Haemosu as he should have.

The Queen and Court Minister (who is also Queen's brother) really want Daeso to officially become the Crown Prince. But Jumong mother talked to the King and explained that he sent Yeomiul away in order to reduce the shrine's authority but the new sorceress is on Queen's team along with Salchoo chief Mara (also Queen's brother) and court minister. So making Daeso crown prince (hereafter CP) now would be like giving them wings.

So when the court minister applied to the King to decide on the CP matter (with the support of the Prime Minister) but King said he will decide on this matter later.

At the end of the meeting, Daeso approached the King with tears in his eyes asking him what more has he to do in order to gain the King's trust. This is how Episode 26 ended.

Lastly, as a side note: there is the matter of prophecy made by the most talented shrine maid and Yeomiul's protege. She told Yunhwa that Jumong has to leave Puyo for good otherwise he'll die. Yunhwa pondered over this and told the only sorceress Yeomiul has trusted that Jumong will leave Puyo but not now, and asked the prophecy to remain secret. The sorceress agreed to keep it a secret but reminded her that the gods will is that Jumong must leave Puyo.
Also one thing to note, in one of the past episodes Yeomiul asked one of the sorceresses whether they can feel and energy bloking theirs and whether it is Jumong or not. The sorceress replied that yes, she can feel the energy but she is not sure whether it is Jumong, although it is obvious that Jumong is a special person.

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