Thursday, August 7, 2014


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Irresistible was on Digiturk and I decided to give it a go because I really like Susan Sarandon. So this turned out to be an Australian film (I should have known since Sam Neill is also in it) with some suspense and plot twists.

So Susan Sarandon is a relatively famous illustrator with two beautiful children and a loving husband who is a successful architect. It is obvious that Susan had the kids late in life and she is currently suffering from being sad for her mother's death (her mother is an american and the family moved to Australia when Susan is 18).

Sam has a new colleague (acted by Emily Blunt) who is young, smart, rich married with a kid -same age or one year older than Susan's eldest-. But she seems to be flirting with Sam. Also kids and Susan experience weird stuff (iron plugged out right before they rushed to the house remembering she left it on), ink spilled on her work, children's fave toys disspearing.

Of course Emily is a nut job who, for some reason, is trying to ruin Susan's life. But just as I thought whether this similar to Obsession (with Idris Elba, Beyoncé and Ali Larter) there is now a twist.


Yeah it turns out that Emily is Susan's daughter. She was pregnant when moved to Australia -didn't know who the father is- and when Emily has found and wanted to contact her, she has refused contact and chose to be anonymous.  Now Emily is bent on revenge.

But wait, just as mother and daughter are reunited (after Emily totally hooked up with Sam- ewwww) we find out that Emily is not Susan's daughter but best friends of Susan's daughter from the orphanage. It is even implied that Emily might have killed Susan(!)

Anyhow, this ended up being an average film but at least my mother enjoyed it.

Here is a pic where Emily and Sam are staying at the office late. I like Emily Blunt but I don't think she is very pretty. Sam has aged well.

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