Thursday, August 7, 2014

We Are The Millers

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We Are The Millers was the film I selected from Digidvd last night. I was waiting for my mother and sister to return safely from Istanbul where there were storms and rains etc. and I didn't go to sleep.

The film is not really a good one. Well it is not really for me either because I don't care for Mr.Sudeikis, I definitely don't care for Ms.Anniston (except for Rachel) and I definitely don't care for Emma Watson. Yeah well it was there and looked like it will pass the time without putting me to sleep so...

In the end don't bother with unless you are a fan of Anniston who is Rachel at all the films I have seen her in. Even in this one where she plays stripper (but not a prostitute except for lap dances) she still is Rachel. 

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