Friday, August 15, 2014

Q&A on Reading

I have some spare time so I've decided to a Q&A (questions prepared by someone called shevinefeels where I found here My Little Corner of Awesome

·         What was the last book you read?

Biz Burada İyiyiz by Barbaros Altuğ (a novella)

·         2:Was it a good one?

Not really

·         3:What made it good?

It was not that good

·         4:Would you recommend it to other people?

Maybe to some specific readers

·         5:How often do you read?

All the time

·         6:Do you like to read?

Oh yes.

·         7:What was the last bad book you read?

Biz Burada İyiyiz 

·         8:What made you dislike it?

I didn't connect with it, it felt a bit fake. 

·         9:Do you wish to be a writer?

Not really.

·         10:Has any book ever influenced you greatly?

Yes, many.

·         11:Do you read fanfiction?


·         12:Do you write fanfiction?


·         13:What's your favorite book?

Too many to list here but if I have to choose one, I'm going to go with Pride and Prejudice.

·         14:What's your least favorite book?

120 Days of Sodom by Marquis De Sade (I couldn't finish it)

·         15:Do you prefer physical books or reading on a device (like a kindle)?

Physical books.

·         16:When did you learn to read?

When I was 6.

·         17:What is your favorite book you had to read in school?

Jane Eyre

·         18:What is your favorite book series?

Harry Potter

·         19:Who is your favorite author?

Jane Austen

·         20:What is your favorite genre?

I like to read fiction and don't have a preffered genre. I tend to read more mystery/detective novels and classics though I guess but I don't base what to read on the genre. The genre I least like is war.

·         21:Who is your favorite character in a book series?

Harry Potter.

·         22:Has a book ever transported you somewhere else?


·         23:Which book do you wish had a sequel?

Pride and Prejudice.

·         24:Which book do you wish DIDN'T have a sequel?

Nothing comes to mind, I don't mind book sequels. 

·         25:How long does it take you to read a book?

Depends on the book.

·         26:Do you like when books become movies?

Don't really care but sometimes I get to read books as they come films so it doesn't really hurt. 

·         27:Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation?

Oh many, many. The one I thought of right away would be The Hunger Games.

·         28:Which movie has done a book justice?

The Godfather. 

·         29:Do you read newspapers?

On line.

·         30:Do you read magazines?


·         31:Do you prefer newspapers or magazines?


·         32:Do you read while in bed?


·         33:Do you read while on the toilet?


·         34:Do you read while in the car?


·         35:Do you read while in the bath?

No but I don't take baths, I like taking showers.

·         36:Are you a fast reader?

I think so, but I think it depends on the book. 

·         37:Are you a slow reader?


·         38:Where is your favorite place to read?

A patio, shady with a slight breeze on a sunny day. 

·         39:Is it hard for you to concentrate while you read?


·         40:Do you need a room to be silent while you read?


·         41:Who gave you your love of reading?

My parents.

·         42:What book is next on your list to read?

Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book I guess. But it may change.

·         43:When did you start to read chapter books?

First grade.

·         44:Who is your favorite children's book author?

Enid Blyton.

·         45:Which author would you like to interview the most?

Haruki Murakami 

·         46:Which author do you think you'd be friends with?

Jane Austen

·         47:What book have you reread the most?

Pride and Prejudice 

·         48:Which books do you consider "classics"?

Lots of them. I'm currently re reading The Shining and I think it is a classic.

·         49:Which books do you think should be taught in every school?

To Kill A Mockingbird

·         50:Which books should be banned from all schools?

I don't think any book should be banned from schools. 

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