Monday, August 11, 2014

Mad About The Boy

Mad About The Boy is the third book of Bridget Jones' story. Now the first one is a delightful book but I liked them less and less as they come out. Don't get me wrong it is still good entertainment but it lost some of the that first sparkle (at least for me). Here Bridget is 51 and has a lover who is 29 and has two kids and the wonderful Mark Darcy has passed away. So we witness her trials as a single mother with two small children, who tries to do something professionally (write a script), juggle her young lover with her busy life. But you know what? Bridget was a bit of a scatterbrain and it doesn't make sense that she still is. The things that are cute when she is at the end of her 20s are not as cute when done/thought by a 51 years old woman. Anway, it is entertaining but not a tour de force. 

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