Monday, August 11, 2014

Rules of Civility

Rules of Civility is a novel that I had both in paperback and as audiobook (from the library of a colleague). So I decided to both read and listen to it. I started listening to it first to see whether I'd like the reader or not (Ms.Rebecca Lowman doing a great job) I loved it so I continued to read the book. In the end even though I have enjoyed both experiences, I most definitely like to read the book rather than listen to it.

Now on to the novel which is a mood piece and a good character study. It is 1938 in New York and our heroine is Katy Kontent who works as a secretary at a law firm and spends her twenties living the life in New York. She is a bit of a loner but by no means anti-social and she has a good head on her shoulders. She loves to read and meets and interacts interesting characters throughout the year. I loved this one. The prose is just the style I like best, clean and uncluttered. I loved reading about NYC in 1938 and reading about the places I have been to, seeing them again from the eyes of the novelist.

This one is recommended and definitely a win as far as the bargain purchases went. 

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