Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Moebius directed by Kim Ki Duk was one of the biggest WTFs of my viewing history. And that is no mean feat since I like directors like Takeshi Miike, David Cronenberg, Tsai Ming Liang, Lars Von Trier and Michael Haneke and of course Kim Ki Duk. But this film left me speechless on so many counts that I'll resort to bullet points to reach a semblence of  what I felt.

* the film should be named something else (male genitalia). Right after it ended I actually looked up to see what Moebius meant and I learned all about Möbius stript etc. But my opinion remains the same.

* Once again silene is golden for Mr.Kim but this time we know that every character is able to talk and we see them talking to each other behind windows or whispering to each other's ear. But the scenes we watch involve no talking. And apart from the last scene I don't remember hearing any music.

* So being a father is sacrifising all for your son but only upto a point. There is a limit to being a devoted dad.

* Wait I hope that lady was not his mother, was she? Say it isn't so.

* Male genitalia is very important to men.

* There is no end to the bizarre actions human beings are capable of.

* And maybe the weirdest of all is that I actually was falling asleep at the end. Seriously. Am I just that jaded a viewer or this film was boring? (This is coming from someone who is riveted by Kim Ki Duk films such as The Island, The 3 Iron, Spring, Summer, Fall ....... and Spring.)

* I hope this one doesn't stay with me for a long time. 

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