Monday, July 7, 2014

The Wolverine

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The Wolverine is one of those films that I let pass me by. But when it showed up at dvdigi, I gave it a priority. It is so good to watch action films while fasting.
This one is after Wolverine kills Jean. He is an emotional wreck who lives in the mountains without any comfort (such as electricity) etc. Then he meets a young Japanese woman who gives him a message from a yound Japanese soldier he saves from a bomb attack (Nagasaki) towards the end of the second world war. This man is now old and dying and wanted to say goodbye to his saviour. So having nothing better to do, he goes to Japan meets the guy. This man was under the impressiong that

a) Wolverine is tired of regenerating and wanted to be mortal,
b) His regeneration power can be taken away from him and transmitted to another.

So while he is thinking about this,
* he gets poisoned and his power becomes really weak
* The old guy dies and his son plots to harm his daughter (the man's granddaughter) in order to gain the company (everything is left to her)
*Her fiance who is a minister (of economy? internal affairs?) is a shady guy in cahoots with her father
* The daughter is attacked at the funeral and he is forced to run away with her to avoid her attackers (yakuza hired by her fiance at the request of his father)

Anyway, I liked it well enough. I have always like Wolverine and I only like Hugh Jackman when he is Wolverine (gasp! I know I just don't like his performances as an actor, and I don't think he is handsome).

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