Thursday, July 10, 2014

C'est La Vie Mon Cheri

C'est La Vie Mon Cheri is a Hong Kong melo I had seen years ago when I was really into Hong Kong films. Well I have found this when arranging dvds and vaguely remembered it as a  good weepie and after having a tiring day I decided to give it a go. Well I had forgotten almost all the film and it was almost as if I was watching it the first time.
Our protagonist is Kit, a songwriter and saxophone player who has a bad temper and tend to insult people around him. Also his career is at a low point. And his girlfriend is a successful pop singer. So they have an argument and he moves to the cheap part of town and meets a lovely young girl who is very bright and optimistic.

The girl is Min and she lives with her mother, uncle and a group of musicians. The musicians perform on the streets at night and are Kit's neighbours.

Min likes Kit and after having spend some time together, they become lovers (and it is such a normal, matter of fact way that was very refreshing). Kit starts to compose again and gains a better perspective on life and became almost optimistic. Alas Min is a recovered cancer patient and the illness return, this time with little of recovery. Kit never wavers in his love even when Min loses all the optimism and gets worse each day.

I was crying all the way but the ending got me the most. The melo was so normal and ordinary - nothing big here, she woke in the night craving red bean cakes (and she is so thin and doesn't have much of an apetite) so Kit goes out and tries to get some to her. Meanwhile her mother who gave up singing and performing wore her old stage outfit and performs on the street and she dies at the hospital alone. We don't even see it. I was really shedding tears by then (three kleenex were victim of the last 15 minutes of the film) and was more affected by the sheer normality of it probably more than I would have if the melo was amped up.

All in all this is a good one. Recommended.

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