Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Tall Man

The Tall Man is a film I wanted to watch because I like the director's other film Martyrs very much. And heard good things about it from a reviewer I like. But there was not an urge so I waited until it went to the bargain bin and grabbed it then.

Jessica Biel is a very good looking woman and she is a decent actress but unfortunately her performance(s) do not leave any impact. Someone with a more arresting screen presence would be better suited for the role I suppose.

The film was not as good as Martyrs but it was entertaining and not only full of twists but also interesting arguments too.


It is about an organisation that kidnaps little kids living in unfortunate circumstances and give them to rich families who want to adopt a kid. So the kids end up being in great environments with loving parents away from the poverty, ignorance and sometimes incest.

But is it fair to do that to a kid? Isn't a mother, no matter how poor the best for her own child. One of the children we get to know is the son of a mother who lost her house and has to live in a derelict apartment with not a lot of material things. And she lets the child watch TV etc. But she obviously loves her child and tries to do the best for him. And he loves her back.

The other kid is a teenager who is a lot older than the other kidnapped kids. Her mother lives with a man who impregnated her sister and when the baby and the young mother is sent to Seattle by their mother, he actually wanted the girl and his son back. Really creepy. This girl observed what's going on and actually wanted to be taken and be adopted by another family. At the end of the film we see her living in a great apartment, taking art lessons and actually speaking. But also wondering whether she did the right thing.

Anway this one is recommended but don't expect much  of a performance.

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