Sunday, July 13, 2014


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I actually was kind of excited when this film became available on my Digidvd. I have heard good things about it and I actually like Scarlett Johanson's voice better than her acting. I'm not as keen as Joachim Phoenix as everyone else seem to be. He is a decent actor but he doesn't really move me. And in the end this film ended up not being to my taste. I fell asleep a few times during and had to rewind. The science fiction parts were not bad but the general mood of the thing just didn't fit me. Well one cannot win them all.

The idea though was very interesting. My friends know that I have this fantasy about a robot husband. He'll look like Takeshi Kaneshiro. Not only he'll cook, clean and arrange (both hard copy and digital stuff) but he'll be hygenic and he'll have the brain of the computer and will be able to access any data on demand. So I can converse with him to my heart's content. But most importantly the best feature of the robot husband would be that he'll not get hurt when I don't want to see him. I'm this way and sometimes want to be alone without anyone around me. It is hard when you have a significant other and people get hurt when you want to be left alone. Robot husband will not be sad at all but will use this opportunity to charge himself or something.

Of course all my friends thought this idea is monstrous and that I'd crave for human contact. But my robot husband's skin would be temperature controlled so that he'll be cool in summer and toasty warm in winter. Anyway in this one the chracter's ex wife comments that he is in a relationship with an operating system because he cannot deal with human emotions. She said he wanted her to be fun, energetic and full of life all the time and was not able to deal with other emotions of hers. I could relate to that part. The thing I found second most hard when I was in a relationship was to deal with people when they are not as shiny and happy.


Anyway this guy totally falls for the operating system and despite the lack of real physical contact he was devasted when it broke up with him. I hope that he'll be happy with her best friend and they'll become romantically involved in the future. Just look at them, they seem like they'll be a good couple no?
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