Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Paperboy

The Paperboy is one I picked out from the virtual bargain bin (as can be seen on the pic, it was only 10 TL) and I heard that they made a film out of it, starring Zac Ephron -an actor I can't seem to like- and Nicole Kidman (this can be seen on the pic too :) ) and even though I was distant to it and didn't like it as much at the beginning, I really got into it as soon as I stopped seeing Zac Ephron as the protagonist. The book is interesting in the way that nothing really is clearly resolved. The demise of the characters do not depend on whether they are good or not. Things happen and they don't happen. I like the clear, matter of fact prose and enjoyed the novel immensely. I may as well check other books from this writer in the future. Thank God that this ended up being a bargain bin win, I'm now looking forward to checking the remaining novels out.

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