Monday, July 21, 2014

What's Your Number?

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What's Your Number? This one is not a much appreciated rom com, only garnered some attention maybe due to the fact that Chris Evans is mostly naked in the film. But I love it. I have seen it three times already including this weekend where I have tried to avoid heavier films. The female part of our couple is Ally who finds out at the same day she is fired from her marketing job that she is considered a woman who slept with twice the usual (accepted) number of men (based on an article done by a research) and when she compared herself with others she finds that the research is kind of true. So she decides to seek the men who she has slept with in order to see whether they are suitable for coming back together. Her promiscious neighbour who is a struggling musician (and also amateur detective). While the search is on, they find that they are very compatible and enjoy spending time with each other.
What I like best about this one is how the two have fun and Chris Evans' character is completely secure in his manhood and doesn't care how many men Ally has slept with.

All in all once again I've had a great time watching this one. 

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