Monday, July 7, 2014

Road House

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Road House was a film I have seen parts of for some reason. And I do like Patrick Swayze (RIP), a lot. So when I came across this on TV I've decided to give it a try and I liked it. It definitely has that 80's feel (which I love), Patrick is at his top foem and despite being a bit sleazy (shocking!), I liked it very very much. Kelly Lynch is also someone I like a lot. There is something about her that appeals to me. Not her directing efforts but herself as an actor. A certain self assurance I probably am imagining. Anyway, this turned out to be a good watch.

Ramadan is going well thank God, especially on weekends where all I have to do is just lie down and watch films. Although this Saturday we had visitors. My paternal elder Aunt and her close friend came for a visit and I was not able to rest as much as I wanted.  

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