Monday, July 21, 2014

Roman Holiday

Photo credit:
Roman Holiday is one of my all time faves. I love Gregory Peck (he is my favorite oldie actor) and like Audrey Hepburn very much. And they are both so good in this. The pic above is not a still from the film but I think a photo taken on the set. But don't they look so good. Ok here is that scene (on the Spanish steps when one was allowed to sit and eat on them - thank God this was a time I visited Rome)

 Photo credit:

She had her haircut and then buys gelato and eats in on Spanish steps and that's when Joe decides to stop following her and join her.

Anyway watching this one again had a great impact on me and I have shed so many tears. Great film.
Oh and now I have turned into one of those old people who complain that they don't make them like this anymore.  But they don't.

Here are some screen shots (basically the story)
Photo credit:

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