Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sprited Away

Spirited Away As I'm totally bored with Survivor All Star (it was bound to happen and they escalated it by airing it every single night of the week, seriously) I started to get my film viewing groove back (hopefully). This one was at the shelf since I'm still trying to organise my dvds (totally gave up on trying to catalogue them) and this is a film I'd not move to the attic. Of course the dvd brought back memories. I got it in Osaka at my first trip to Japan.

Ok back to the film, this is one of the finest examples of Studio Ghibli films and one of my favorites directed by Hayao Miyazaki (actually I love all his films). It tells the story of Chihiro who wanders into a spirit town with her parents after they got lost moving to a new town. And as her parents taste the food on display, they turned into pigs. Luckily someone looks out for her in this alien environment, Haku is a mysterious boy who is hot and cold towards her but saves her from a lot of trouble. Chihiro's purpose is to get out of there after saving her parents and expectedly she falls in love with Haku (and he with her) along the way. Yubaba is the ruler of the spirit world and she has no inention of letting Chihiro (or her parents) go.

This is a wonderful animation that would make you feel good (and probably minus a few tears if you are like me).

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