Thursday, June 25, 2015

Loose Cannons (Mine Vaganti)

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Loose Cannons (orginital Title Mine Vaganti) was a film I have actually recorded and then found that it was on Dvdigi. Ever since Fasten Your Seatbelts I have little crush on Ferzan Özpetek films and it doesn't look like it will go away. There is some Almodovar in there (oh no where near impactful or powerful) but overall this is a director with gentler sensibilities and he has different issues with life. Here we have a rich old family of pasta makers and they have two sons who are both gay. When the eldest came out during a business dinner (after his little bro came out to him and told him that he'll come out at that same dinner) he is cast out of the family. And the younger son has to stay and try to act straight and interested in the family business. There are quirky side characters, a manipulative soundtrack (that totally worked on me) and decent actors who look like real people and some of them are really good looking without looking plastic.

I was in tears at the end (but good, happy tears) and my crush still goes on strong. 

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