Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Quiet American

The Quiet American was a film I saw years ago and liked (no wonder with great cinematography and all the close ups) this second viewing left an even better impression. I liked the story so much that I immediately wanted to read the novel. I have never read a Graham Greene novel before. Thank God that I actually purchased one early on and started to read The Heart of the Matter (a totally different story but I can recognise some of staples already) right away. 


Our main character is Thomas Fowler. An old ex pat in Vietnam (just when there is civil war) doing some journalism but not really caring for anything other than staying there and living with Phong, his much younger and prettier mistress. His wife is Catholic and won't divorce him so he is not able to take Phong to UK (Phong wants to leave the country). Times are turbulent but he stays neutral. A nice enough man with small wants. 

And then he meets Alden Pyle who came to Vietnam from USA with a medical care group, providing eye care to locals. He is the eponymous quiet American (as opposed to alcohol soaked USA expat who constantly complains and tries to hit on local girls). Alden is soft spoken, respectful, kind hearted, young and handsome. Actually Thomas really likes him since he is interested more than the facade and very respectful to his mistress and her relatives. An all around good guy. 

Or is he? 

We all know he'll fall for Phong (and the voice over informs us right away). And he is very tempting. At first Phong remains loyal to Thomas (and one of the few things that I didn't like is how they actually voiceovered Phong being an analogy of Vietnam and not only that Alden comes right out and says it towards the end). However scaredy Thomas, aware that he is not only limiting Phong's future but also that he is very old and Alden is not only young and great looking but also educated, cultured and smart and most importantly kind hearted. While he is on a medical mission and while Thomas is after a story - since he is told that he actually needs to work if he wants to stay there - Alden actually saves Thomas' life at one point. He was open and honest to Thomas about his intentions with Phong and talked to Phong in Thomas' presence. 

But as the film progresses Thomas and the viewer get to understand that Alden is always hanging around shady (meaning spy seeming) embassy officials and is involved some sort of customs scheme that allows some very bad men to import dangerous components. Then bombs explode and people die right in front of Thomas while he is having his morning coffee. And he spots Alden in the mist, speaking perfect Vietnamese (no one knew he was able to do that) and actually managing the aftermath (while wiping blood from his trouser cuffs. Yeah the light bulb illuminates and Thomas and we figure out that he is actually CIA and all the other shady officials (who Thomas warned him off of) work for him. 

Meanwhile Thomas lies to Phong that his wife accepted a divorce (she refused Alden before knowing that) and when Phong shows the letter to her sister (who is definitely team Alden) she tells her the truth. So when Thomas figures out the whole Alden identity, Phong is living with Alden and is actually happy (but not as carefree as we saw her with Thomas). 

Enter the communists. Actually it happens that Thomas' local aide in the office proposes that Thomas invites Alden (who never goes anywhere without body guards now) to dinner to have a man to man discussion. Both Thomas and the aide know that this will be an attempt to assasinate Alden. He struggles and they arrange a signal to signify his decision. He asks Alden to his house and confronts him. Alden far from being ashamed of his intentions on Vietnam, actually defends them to Thomas. Thomas asks him to go to USA taking Phong with him but he says no. And Thomas gives the signal to the communists who promptly assasinate Alden on his way to meet Thomas.
Here things get a bit shaky as the police somehow suspect Thomas (seriously?) and his alibi etc. are really flimsy. 

Anway in the end Thomas gets Phong out again, from a dance for money establishment where she had to go back now that Alden is dead. And he decides never to leave Vietnam again and live with Phong. 

Michael Caine is excellent in this role. There isn't a single thing wrong in that performance and he also has wonderful chemistry with his co stars.

Brendan Fraser I think is one of those actors who are hindered by the way they look. He is hunky but despite the Mummy and everything, I always have the impression that he is more of a character actor who is better suited for that type of role. He is fantastic as Alden.

All in all this film is very good and very well suited to my viewing tastes.

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