Tuesday, June 9, 2015

American Horror Story:Coven

American Horror Story Coven is considered by many the best in the series. And I agree. Having loved the first season (haunted house) and being impressed with the second season (an asylum where lots and lots of things happen) I of course wanted to watch this one. I wanted to see the fourth season too. It is called Freak Show and despite it not being my fave horror type - and neither is the witch lore- I want to watch it.

Coven is staged as New Orleans where there is a school for young witches. Do not expect Hogwarts though. There are only a few students and each and everyone of them are damaged to some degree. The school head is a nice lady with major mummy issues and the house keeper is really creepy. Everything stirs up as Supreme -who happens to be the mother of the nice school head- arrives. Her powers are receding and this means her successor is emerging. The drama is not limited to this though, there is a horrible sadistic woman who was dead for over 150 years, a mighty voodo priestess who has issues of her own. A nice frat boy who died an unjust dead a nice girl who lives in the swamps and a witch council and seven wonders and Steve Nicks etc. etc.

First off I love Jessica Lange, always had. And I love it that her face remains her own without any obvious enhancements. You can see the wrinkles, sags etc. and these don't take away anything from her. Also this season had Angela Basset (love) and Kathy Bates who are both great actresses as well as the usual cast in different roles. There was Gabourey Sidibe as the human voodo doll witch (she cuts her arm and you bleed instead of her) and Emma Roberts as the first Supreme candidate.

All in all this was a really good ride.  

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