Monday, June 15, 2015

Man on Fire

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Man on Fire I have watched this a second time and I liked it even better. Ok the shaky camera with lots of unnecessary visual tricks (RIP Tony Scott) is distracting and hurt the film more than benefitted it but the rest is really good. Dakota Fanning is a great actor and Denzel is I think at his visual best here. He looks so handsome and also gives off that suffering alchoholic at the end of his tether vibe so well (compare it with his performance of another alchoholic in The Flight and it is even more amazing) More importantly these two have excellent acting chemistry. The story is that Dakota's dad hires a cheap bodyguard for financial reasons and Denzel is only cheap, despite being the ultimate killing machine, because he is an alcoholic struggling with his conscience, and suicidal. Oddly these two become fast friends despite Denzel's surly attitude and resistance and when Dakota is actually kidnapped, Denzel despite being seriously wounded and all, will stop at nothing to get his revence (he thinks Dakota is dead).

I recommend this one if you like action and melodrama. I had cried the first time I saw it and I have cried this second viewing. These two are great actors and I think Rada Mitchel and Marc Anthony did good jobs too. Christopher Walken was also there gracing the film with his presence (this is meant as a good thing here) 

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