Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Wedding Singer

The Wedding Singer is probably the first Adam Sandler film I have watched and since then I'm hooked. I loved it the first time and I still love it when I watch it again. He is a very good wedding singer with song writing aspirations. She is a waitress at the wedding hall and she is engaged to a very dislikable man.

He got stood up at the altar but he is such a nice guy that eventually ends up helping her wedding preparations. Of course they fall in love but there are misunderstandings, horrible exes, doubts etc. And in the end they declare fabulously on a plane with Billy Idol helping out (I love Billy Idol, a side effect of being an 80s teen).

In the above pic he gets back to work after being dumped and is singing Love Hurts to a bunch of very unlucky wedding guests.

This is recommended if you love rom coms, 80s, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.

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