Monday, June 15, 2015

Not That Kind of Girl

Not That Kind of Girl was not on my to read list but when I saw it at the little store inside Andaz Maui (yeah that's how I rolled then :) ) I decided to get it on Kindle for no particular reason. I never watched Girls and was not eager to find out about Lena Dunham but this book has showed up on so many websites I regularly checked so why not? Well at first I was kind of ready to label it as a miss but as I kept reading during intervals, I stuck to it and ended up liking it, glad of the purchase.

Firstly this is not a woman I felt a connection with. She is young and lives in a world that is not even remotely similar to mine. Her concerns and problems are not ones that I have experienced when at her age. But she can write. What got to me was her writing. The woman can tell a story and managed to suck me in. Kudos and all the best to her. I hope she writes a novel and I sure will put it on my to read list. 

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