Monday, June 15, 2015

True Blood - Seventh and The Final Season

True Blood ended very sweetly. It is one of the rate shows I loved each season and loyally watched them all. Oddly I read the novel long before I even knew that they were going to adapt it and didn't really care for it all. In fact I barely remember it. But the show was just to my taste. With great visuals, lots of horror, hot men (Alexander Skarsgaard - sigh) and impossible situations escalating season by season, the final was subdued in comparison but really sweet and one of my favorite characters came back (Hoyt) and that OTP was the sweetest. Vampire Bill got a fitting end which left me in tears and Sookie found a sort of happiness. And I loved it that Eric and Pam continue to thrive and be their adorable selves (I wanted Eric to live).

Tara's scenes, Lafayette, Arlene, Jason all felt so good and despite the fact that I wanted Bill and Sookie to end up together, I'm glad that they decided not to go that road. Everyone acted true to their characters so far and nothing felt out of place. Good for you True Blood and yeah just like the dvd cover says, it was true to the end.  

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