Thursday, June 25, 2015

Men, Women & Children

Men Women & Children was on Dvdigi and even though I remember it being slammed by everyone, I had a feeling that I was not going to hate it and I didn't. It is not a good film but one that didn't put me to sleep.

This is one of those ensemble films where the lives of teenagers and their parents interwine (and sometimes not) at a small town in USA.

And yeah there is Adam Sandler, not really giving a good performance. But he was not alone in this.
Anyway I usually like film directed by Jason Reitman. Well maybe not enough to watch them again *but I definitely enjoy them while I'm watching. Anyway approach with care but it ended up being a nice timepass for me.

*The exception to this is Young Adult. I love that film and saw it more than once.

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