Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Other Woman, Jane Eyre, Préte-Moi Ta Main, Mad Men Season 4

The Other Woman Only got this since I have a girl crush on Natalie Portman. And the film suprised me in how emotional and melodramatic it was (disguised as a Indie US film).
Jane Eyre Zefirelli is a good director even if he chopped the second half of the novel (but in a film adaptation you have to chop without mercy) I wish this was a TV drama though then we would have watched everything. I loved Charlotte Gainsbourg as Jane. She definitely looks the part and William Hurt suprises me everytime. How come this man is such a good actor? He has such a washed out entertainment front but everytime I watched him, he delivered and he is excellent as Rochester. Anna Paquin was great as young Jane. Anyway, I'm happy.
Préte-Moi Ta Main This French rom com entertained me and once again Charlotte Gainsbourg gave a very good performance. I like actors who can be very serious and/or very funny and do all sorts of films. Now I still cannot erase the memory of Ms.Gainsbourg cutting her clit with a pair of scissors in Antichrist but this is the fault of Von Trier for making such a, a ... well I don't know how to describe that one. I guess a memorable film would be apt in that regard. Anyway this one is good, at least the people look like real people.

Yesterday I have started Mad Men Season 4 and it is as good as I remember it. First three episodes were killer. This show is one of the best I have seen on TV.

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