Friday, May 11, 2012

White Tower Eps - 1

This drama has ended my rather long K-drama break. The first episode is instense, complicated and very interesting.

I have a fondness for medical dramas. But this one -adapted from a Japanese manga & drama- is beyond that. So far it is like Mad Men in a hospital but with that particular Korean drama naivete. Everyone is trying to protect their own interest and the lines that are certainly not drawn anywhere. It also reminds me a bit of A.J Cronin's The Citadel - one of my all time fave books-. An ambitious and talented surgeon is next in line to be Chief of Surgery at a prestigious teaching hospital but his predecessor (currently working but expected to retire any time soon) is not happy because a) he actually doesn't want to retire and not looking forward to a life where he is not the influential person he once was b) Dr.Jung is very talented, capable and already surpassed him and it hurts his pride that everyone seems so eager for him to retire and Dr.Jung take up the job c) his wife who is equally fond of her influence feels angry and frustrated now that it seems to wane.

Dr.Jung is a bit like Don Draper. He wants power, he wants to be Chief etc. and has no qualms about not being so moral in order to achieve these. On the other he is not without a conscience (one of the reasons why the episode ended on a cliffhanger) and he genuinely likes his job - although he has a tendency of not being close to the patients this is a style that is preferred by some very talented doctors.

And then there is Dr.Choi, who is the type of man I like and fall for (and I think we are meant to sympathise with him and be fascinated by Dr.Jung). He is also very talented in his field - not a surgeon but specialises in internal medicine I think but he has great bedside manners and also he genuinely cares for the patients as human beings. But he is honest and not very political, certainly is not ambitious in that certain way people are with their careers, so as a result he is not thought very highly and his considerable talents as a doctor go unnotices.

Dr.Jung and Dr.Choi have a professional relationship. Maybe they are from the same school or something and Dr.Jung is also very honest to Dr.Choi about his ambitions and how they are more important than a patient's life if/when it comes to that. Aaaaand after a simple conversation about nothing in particular with his mother he decides to help Dr.Choi in secret trying to do it under the blanket without alerting powerful doctors in the hospital admin. This fight with his conscience and his ambition is going to be very interseting I think.

Also the other good thing is that I was able to stop after one episode. Not because I didn't want to watch more - I did, very much- but I didn't want to be wreck at work this morning. And it is rare but I was able to make the right choice :)

Also The Europeans are going very good. 

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