Monday, May 28, 2012

Black & White Episodes 7, 8, 9, The Green Lantern

Black & White is going good - I'm not as heavily invested as in Inside the White Tower but really enjoying myself. The love angle is getting even more complicated with Chen Lin liking White and Black liking Chen Lin. White being the good guy told Chen Lin that his partner likes her so he and Chen Lin are not meant to be. Meanwhile Xi Ying is accused of being the traitor by IA (they have said this only to White at a secret meeting).
Also Chen Lin's dad said to Chen Lin that her life will get more and more complicated if she falls for White.
Well despite the fact that I like straightforward, uncomplicated good guys (less baggage the better), this time I'm totally in team White. Not only becaue Vic Zhou (affectionately known as Zai Zai in Taiwan) is the better looking one but I also find that he is the man with the kinder heart. So despite his huge baggage (finally he has managed to find the woman he was looking for and went on a cute date with him) Meanwhile there is a sharpshooter near the precinct pretending to be a hot dog stand owner and all around genial guy - but as episode 9 ends we see him wandering around the burger join White's girl works in the dark, with a flashlight and wearing a hoodie.

I have watched some parts of Country Strong again and I guess I'll need to purchase this film since for some inexplicable reason I love it everytime I watch it. Never a fan of Ms.Paltrow and the main lead is not my type and the film has annoying Blair from Gossip Girl as the secondary lead - yes I do like Tim McGraw but not enough to adore a film just because he is in it. So what is the appeal of this film? I don't know, I honestly don't know. I do like American Country music but there is not really that good a music in the film either. Anyway.

Green Lantern was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I like Ryan Reynolds (ever since from his pizza sit com days) and he did good with the role but the film itself ended up being cartoonish and not in a good way either. In the light of films such as The Dark Knight, Spiderman or The Hulk (or even The Increadible Hulk) this type of film just doesn't work for me.

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