Monday, May 21, 2012

Inside The White Tower - End, Brothers, I'll Walk Alone - End, Going Wrong - heh

Inside the White Tower ended with me endlessly crying.


Dr.Jang died - of some weird cancer and he donated his body to be examined by Dr.Oh. He was such a compelling character. One of the two villains I felt sympathetic towards (the other is the one in Old Boy). Even though I fail to understand the ambition (being really without any myself) and if I had to choose a life partner Dr.Choi would be the one I'd get along with, there was something about Dr.Jang that made me root for him despite his being clearly in the wrong. Well it is good writing and good acting - a combination that is hard to resist.

I don't feel anything towards Dr.Yum except I never want him to be my doctor. Seriously what was wrong with him? I completely agree that Dr.Jang was responsible and the last verdict was correct but Dr.Yum's personality is not compatible with examining patients and surgery. I understand a person being shy and not assertive but this is not forgivable when a human life is involved. If only he could have been a little bit responsible, he'd be able to get some help. He was simply incompetent and he also was responsible of that man's life.

Dr.Choi is the flat character since he didn't have any arc. He was the same as he started. It would have been more interesting if he chose not to testify but I knew that he would. This is the character I know and recognise best hence he was not very interesting to me.

All in all I think this one is a keeper since the setting may be different but the issues maintain themselves since human nature is both constant and variable.

Brothers  three good actors, three excellent performance, one good story ruined by a director whose vision chose the wrong way (this is only my opinion). All in all not a good film but worth is for the performances. 

I'll Walk Alone ended predictably but I still liked it a lot, as I said, I like Mary Higgins Clark's characters. It is nowhere as good as 'Loves Music Loves to Dance' though - my first Mary Higgins Clark novel.

Started Going Wrong by Ruth Rendell. She is a novelist that I like and this novel started as good as her other ones.

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