Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Inside The White Tower Eps.7-8-9, The Europeans - End, I'll Walk Alone

Last night was another Inside The White Tower craziness. My plan was to watch one episode, maybe two but I have watched all three (despite the fact that Eps.8 didn't end with a cliffhanger) and was not sleepy at all.

I should most definitely limit it to one episode tonight since I couldn't wake up for morning prayers this morning (they are about 04:35) I don't even remember hearing the alarm.

Now Dr.Jang finally became Chief of Surgery - with much manipulation, bribes and things owed to various oldies - starting with Dr.Wu. Dr.Noh (this is written as Roh in the subtitles but characters refer him as Dr.Noh and his name is written as Dr.Noh) left for USA.

Dr.Choi was not able to save the little girl with cancer and I unhappily gave in to the manipulations of the script (song about children with little wings like angels etc.) and shed tears.

Chief finally retired - with grudges - and gave himself to Bible studies. And wrote quotes from it such as "pride comes before the fall" etc. Very subtle script, very subtle.

Now it is time for Dr.Jang to pay his debts so he keeps ordering supplies and medicines from the companies suggested by Dr.Wu, Dr.Yu etc. Meanwhile his wife is slowly turning into an alchoholic or something.

As usual with White Tower I started thinking about being promoted. I truly never cared for it and maybe it is because I dislike owing people things and being a puppet to them simply because they helped me up. I know that Dr.Jang has some kind of super reason for so wanting to be Chief (and I truly were happy for him) but even so this type of thing is never good for a person's soul. And once again I feel good that God spared me from an ambitious nature. Of course the downside to that is to be like Dr.Choi, not being able to get the funds you need to improve everything, not being able to stop injustices and the help you provided being limited. And he certainly feels it but what I like best about him is that Dr.Choi never thinks of doing something dishonorable or non ethical. Even when he is in dire straits he doesn't think these type as alternative routes. He is adorable (in his soul, the actor is not handsome at all). But now Dr.Lee's daughter is severely falling for him and I simply hope that he will not cheat on his wife.

Meanhwile Dr.Jang turned into a supreme asshole the moment he is turned chief. Refusing to listen to Dr.Choi's suggestions, treating his staff like shit and giving a recycled present (by mistake, I'll give him that) to the retired chief Dr.Lee, when he visited him - to ask Dr.Lee to recommend him to another renowed doctor as a surgeon for his wife, he sort of tricked him into it. Now I don't like Dr.Lee, but it was kind of touching how important for him Dr.Jang's visit was. His wife made him change cardigans etc. Now the script is trying to make Dr.Jang villainous so his eventual downfall will be more effective (I wish I was not able to observe this) and I'm feeling so sorry for him that I have caught myself trying to give him sound advice (and no one around him does, and he refuses to listen Dr.Choi + insulted him too). Well the episode ended with him going to the world conference with every intention of operating on the biggie's wife and being even more famous - meanwhile he has refused to do a biopsy Dr.Choi has suggested on the lungs of a patient whose pancreas he successfully operated on. And now the patient is suffering and he is in the unfortunate hands of the timid resident. This man is very shy and has zero assertiveness. He refused to let Dr.Choi check the patient and the poor man is going to die because of his incompetence and Dr.Jang's assholeness!!!!

The Europeans has ended and it was a happy ending too (as far as I'm concerned that is) I thought this didn't happen with Henry James (with the exception of The Golden Bowl - a book I simply couldn't finish). Now I need to check more of his work out. I guess I was too young to appreciate him back then.

Now I have started Mary Higgins Clark's I'll Walk Alone and it is the same thing all over again. Despite the fact that I'm now overly familiar with the MHC formula, I enjoy reading her novels. I like her characters, I like the surroundings - in this one it is NYC and now that I have been there the places make more sense now. The pleasure of having been to a place you read in a novel or watch in a film is an interesting one but very pleasant nonetheless.

Operation declutter was a success last night since instead of taking a walk I have actually cleaned the computer table. Now it is a clean surface with nothing on it and I actually feel good about this. Tonight's project is to clean the three shelves under it. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to do it but I'll give it a try.

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