Thursday, May 31, 2012

Black & White Episodes 13, 14, 15

I always say to myself that I will only watch two episodes a night, tops and when I start I can't stop until the third episode is finished. A dvd has three episodes.

Ok this show officially derailed. White is gang bosses illegitimate son from the true love of his life and they are sister and brother from the father with Chen Lin (which caused rightful ickiness to both). Hot Dog soldier turned out to be one of the good guys and helped the investigation out. There is an evil big boss in the shadows and he caused Big Boss to be jailed (he had hidden heroin in Big Bosses office). And after Big Boss goes to jail Da Yu exposed the secret truth of White's birth. No idea why they had to put him through cosmetic surgery though.

So now we know that Chen Lin and White will not be OTP so it is going to be Chen Lin & Black and Xi Ying & White. Fine by me. But now we are getting away from the love issues and delving into mystery and twists and it gets a bit boring. They need a boost after coming out with White's birth secret.

Meanwhile Cola's mom Chief Lin is kind of murdered by Evil Big Bosses orders (well the episode ended with her taking some pills, getting into an accident and believe it was not much of a cliffhanger as far as I'm concerned).

And all the while Big Boss is in jail with those idiots doing nothing to get him out. Also all their contacts in high places act like they don't know Big Boss at all and this means Evil Big Boss has a lot of clout. Who is Evil Big Boss? Am I that curious about it? No but I'll hold on to this one, maybe it will get better as it did after three episodes.

And I'm stuck with Fifty Shades of Grey which is the worst type of stupid. This is told in first person by some truly stupid female character and seriously I fear the fact that this book is written by a not really talented person and was a best seller because there are a lot of young women out there similar to this girl. This book reminded me of House of Night novels and Eat Pray Love - the protagonists, no matter which age they are, all people I wouldn't want to have a conversation in real life. Self centered, having an inner goddess, etc. etc.  And she supposedly likes English classics. Not only she has no clues about any of the novels she mentions in the book but also she is kind of associating the story with Tess of D'ubervilles, Thomas Hardy's tragic book. It has no relation what so ever.  This annoys me more than it would have since I actually like English classics and Thomas Hardy is a fave of mine. I have a feeling that she used his name and works just because she thought Austern and Bronte are overused. Seriously Fifty Shades of Grey is so bad it is not even that good. No S&M yet and I'm halfway through. There were some R rates scenes but they are so over the top romantic Mills & Boon fantasy that even I couldn't come up with some of the stupid shit the writer put there. The only thing that keeps me going with this is the morbid curiosity. Just how awful it will get I wonder. And I kind of love to hate it I suppose since I can't think of any other reason not to stop reading this immediately.
(And I have no guilty pleasure in literature, I freely admit loving Mills and Boon, Barbra Cartland etc.)

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