Friday, May 18, 2012

Inside The White Tower Eps.12-13-14

Well it was another three episodes night and once again I couldn't get up for the morning prayers :(

Things got heated in these three episodes and we don't even know whether Dr.Jang will be convicted or not. First Dr.Choi refused to testify and got in a nice cushy training programme in USA for a year (all expenses paid by the hospital and that is included his family) but the real reason was not the bribe. His wife was worried that they'll have financial troubles and he actualy likes Dr.Jang and didn't want to hurt him. But then Dr.Jang bullied the poor widow (taking all of the surgeons - about 20 people- into her room and apologising for their incompetence) Dr.Choi had enough. He agreed to testify. Our retired Dr.Lee has also left the dark side when his daughter the activits accused him and when Dr.Jang prevented him getting the job he already accepted - they have called him on the morning he was going to the office and postponed his position- this was the last straw.

Dr.Jang also intimidated the timid Dr.Yum and other staff. Also told them to lie. Three episodes of scheming and Dr.Yum lying on the witness stand (but it is getting to him, he poor guy is not a good doctor but he has a conscience) and Dr.Choi telling the truth and nothing but the truth, Dr.Jang took the stand. He lied and lied and lied but so cleverly that what he said was mostly true but the crucial part is a complete lie. Dr.Choi got up and shouted at him but he was silenced by the judge - I actually had to watch this scene in the beginning of Episode 15 before I went to sleep. I guess we'll find out whether Dr.Jang will get away with this or not.

I truly admire Dr.Choi - his wife warned him not to testify after Dr.Jang visited her and told her that it would be the end of Dr.Choi's career. And he didn't give in. Activisit daughter who is also the friend of the wife had a talk with her and showed her the light. When she has time to think about it she also recognised the truth in what Dr.Choi did and stopped sulking and forgave him for being such an honest and kind man :)

I have zero sympathy for Dr.Jang and his handsome face and great looking body now. I could understand the arrogance, the inferiority complex causing an abnormal ego swell and being a cheating husband etc. But instead of owning up to his mistake and apologising, he actually preferred to lie and hurt the widow.

Operation declutter was also fail but I throw the regular trash out this morning and decided that it would count!

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