Monday, May 14, 2012

Just Wright, Inside The White Tower Eps.2-3

I have watched Just Wright more times than I care for. Well in my defence not only I'm a rom com fan but also I do like watching Queen Latifah in rom coms (and yes I even watched that film she co starred with Gerard Depardieu, I have not yet watched U.S remake of Taxi but I'm not that far from it). Latifah is a pyshio therapist and basketball fan in this one and she falls for a NBA star who of course needs her psyhio therapy skils at one point. This film is nothing special really but I like it for some reason.

The two episodes of White Tower was very good and I'm getting sucked into the vortex. The social structure and the workings of corporate health care are very similar to Turkey not to mention how and for what purpose people interact. Office politics, back stabbings etc. are pretty much the same too and some of the scenes were close to real life. Dr.Choi is the one I feel closest to since he pretty much symbolises everything I brought up with and stand for. There just are not men like that in real life. In real life they are like Dr.Jung - maybe not as good looking- and to the credit of the story and the writers I have started to root for him despite not agreeing with anything he does (very much like Dan Draper). Dr.Choi is good and well but a bit boring to watch on screen. Not only the character lacks a bit of a spark so far but the actor is not one I really like (he is known and liked for his silky voice but I don't see/hear any of it). He is not bad but it is more my bad since I don't care for him.

So far Dr.Jung tries to manipulate, fails, cries to father in law and father in law introduces him to a bigger arena of greed and power. At least he got what he wanted. He is not really that smart when it comes to politics though since he is impatient and emotional. He is always unhappy and anxious and when he went to Dr.Choi he gave him the advice I would have given. I seriously do not understand why Dr.Jung wants to be surgical chief so much. Dr.Choi is more like me, the only professional ambition is to do his job better and he genuinely doesn't care for being a higher up (of course while doing that he misses the chance of making things better but it is a miss he can live with). He doesn't get the financial support he deserved due to an angry higher up but he still stood his ground of integrity and honesty. I really hope that Dr.Choi is going to be allright.

Meanwhile in a totally different medical drama April turned out to be the one who failed the exam. I rooted for Meredith and Karev :)

The Good Wife keeps going the downward route but I really like the titular character so I stick to it.
I finally dropped Revenge since Madeline Stowe's surgically (or collagen or whatever) enhanced face is really too much.

Meanwhile The Europeans is going great.Very suprised at my reaction.

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