Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mockingjay -End, The Europeans, All Good Things

Mockingjay ended and I simply loved all three books. The ending was fitting and I always shipped Katniss with Peeta so was happy that way too.

I have started Henry James' The Europeans. After liking Washington Square very very much, I have started reading The Golden Bowl which turned out to be one of the few books that I simply cannot finish. After that I have stayed away from Henry James until I have found this little book in a second hand bookshop in NoHo NYC. First off it was really a bargain, secondly it is a rather short novel by the looks of it and I have started it this morning. I'm now just past Chapter 2 and loving it. Always wondered why Donna Leon keeps singing praises to Mr.James in her Brunetti novels (which are decent reads). Well maybe I was too young to appreciate Mr.James back then. Now I enjoyed his prose so much so that I didn't want to stop reading even after the shuttle arrived at work.

Last night I have watched a film called All Good Things. The dvd is a bargain bin deal and I do like Ryan Gosling (after Fracture, not The Notebook) and have a fondness for Kirsten Dunst ever since Little Women. But even though the film had a very interesting story (based on a real life mystery) and the actors were all good, the story telling was stale. I ended up not liking it as I would have if it was another director telling the same story with the same actors. 

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