Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Inside The White Tower Eps.4-5-6

Well it is official, I'm hooked. Last night I should have watched one episode and gone to bed but I just had to keep watching never even feeling sleepy throughout all three episodes.

Dr.Jang is deep into kissing ass and giving bribes (through his FIL) etc. to get the chief of the surgery job. The thing is he kind of deserves it too and the only thing that is holding him back is that the current chief started not to like him after he got all the attention -solely based on his skills mind- and turned petty and spiteful.

Now there is a new doctor in town Roh Mi Guk who is as capable and has equally impressive credentials. They perform a surgery together and Dr.Jang proves himself the better surgeon although Dr.Roh proves himself the more considerate to his superiors. Nothing against Dr.Roh but I jumped Dr.Jang wagon from the second episode and even though he is neither a good man nor a good friend, he is the best at what he does.

Dr.Choi is trying to cure an advanced cancer patient - who is an adorable kid actor- and the required melodrama etc. were all there and tears were duly shed by yours truly but these tears were more like obligatory reactions, rather then feeling my heart being wrenched. Dr.Choi meanwhile demonstrates how a wonderful doctor and a person he is. And despite the fact one part of me wants to make fun of it, the larger part wishes that such a man exists in real life and become my boyfriend or something. I have to stop crushing on fictional characters. I never like real life men!!!! They pale in comparison (and knowing this logically doesn't actually help the outcome).

Oh there are lots of old actors in this show which I like since they are all acting very well and I'm impressed how usually superficial me keeps glued on screen whenever a bunch of old ugly men sit and discuss strategies. It is due to the great script and wonderful actors who bring it to life. Dr.Wu is assistant director and holds a lot of power in the hospital but he doesn't have all the say in who is going to be next chief. Current chief is not as influential and it really annoys me that he presents his case as if it is a crusade for a more humane medicinal practices (Dr.Jang despite being brilliant is not really a people's person apparently) but in reality he is petty, frustrated and he tries to secure a post retirement position in another hospital and the condition to get that job is to make Dr.Roh the Chief of Surgery (the person who promotes Dr.Roh is the owner of that hospital and promised current Chief a job there if Dr.Roh is made CoS) so stupid current Chief is not really that humanistic.

Also he and his wife try to get their daughter (an activist who seems like falling for Dr.Choi) married to Dr.Roh and they even took her out while she is recuperating from an operation (performed successfully by Dr.Jang) to have dinner together and caused her to get intestine problems. Seriously Dr.Lee (aka the current stupid Chief) is a snake. But that doesn't make Dr.Wu more sympathetic - actually I really like the actor Kim Chang Wan who looks like a good guy - since he also doesn't like Dr.Jang but only agreed to help him out because his friend Dr.Yu forced him to do so (Dr.Yu is friends with Dr.Jang's FIL) Dr.Yu is an influentional Dr. and he is hiking with the Director of the hospital (who is so far absent) and he will be influential in deciding who will make the next director. He promised Dr.Wu if he helps making Dr.Jang CoS.

And then there is the principaled Dr.Oh (Byun He Bong - a Bong Joon Ho regular) who is usually elusive but decides to play an important part in deciding who will be next CoS. He seems to be leaning in towards Dr.Lee's group but I think he will ok Dr.Jang - they made such a fuss in the script about how he is on Dr.Lee's side that I suspect a twist. Of course Dr.Choi is Dr.Oh's favorite pupil and Dr.Oh thinks Dr.Jang is over ambitious.

Also we had a glimpse on why Dr.Jang wants to go higher and higher - troubled childhood, loving mother but his father is absent and we got hints that he may have that chip in his shoulder due something that happened in relation with his father (that is what I'd have bet on).

Also Dr.Jang cheats his wife and when she suspects and tries to catch him in the act his mistress (who is owner or manager of the Wine Bar) prove way too smart for her. She is not stupid but she is lazy and spoiled. Not really caring for her husband (during the important surgery she went to the cinema with her friends and wasn't even curious about what was going on).

Wheeww - I can't stop writing and it is just 6 episodes. I need to learn to make caps since I want to add pics here too.

Meanwhile The Europeans only gets better with each page and I'm sorry that it is nearing the end.

Also unrelated but I decided to add whatever progress I make in decluttering my room (it is like a war zone in there, the only clean and tidy area is the bed). And I'm hoping putting achievements in here will encourage me.

So far I have managed to take out a b-day gift from its package (my b-day is on December btw, that thing must have been sitting on the computer desk since then - horrror!!!)

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