Monday, May 7, 2012

Kushiel's Dart & Mad Men 4 - End, Catching Fire, Karate Kid, Flipped, A Team

Kushiel's Dart ended up being an ok fantasy novel and nothing of the trashy romance with a little S&M I was shamelessy expecting. I'm happy with it though.

Mad Men 4 ended up with a bang and I really like this show. It is so rare that a show maintains same level of goodness in all seasons and episodes (I can only recall Sopranos and Sex & The City) and so far Mad Men is doing a good job of it.

I have watched Grey's Anatomy (which got good again after getting really bad) and The Good Wife which started to detoriate.

As for the films

The A-Team This is not a good film but it was kind of entertaining in a leave your brain out kind of way.

Karate Kid Maybe it is the nostalgia but I loved this film in this second viewing. Everyone looked so real flaws and all and more importantly there is a story very well told. I remember the new one was a decent effort but this original is much better.

Flipped This TV film about first love in the 50's charmed me. The film pointed out the things that are important to me and I have found myself falling for it.

Started to read Catching Fire now since I have finally come to terms with it not going paperback soon (and now that I have bought Catching Fire and Mocking Jay I know that I'll see them in paperback at a bookstore before even finishing the last book) Returning to the book I'm enjoying it very much so far and glad that this is also a book young adults are reading and not just Twilight.

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