Monday, April 30, 2012

Back from NYC

Well after returning from NYC - the weather was lovely thank God so that I have had ample time to sit in the parks, people watch, read etc. The only downer was that I couldn't find any Korean drama dvds but then again that's why internet is here no?

First of all the books since I have hit jack pot in NYC

Mystic River Amazing read. Loved it from the beginning to the end.
One Day This one is a total gem of a book. I can't believe I have waited so long to read this. The characters are my age group so everything about it felt really familiar.
The Help I understand why this book was so popular since it is a very easy and decent read. What hurts it is to be compared to To Kill A Mockingbird. They are not even in the same galaxy, let alone the same planet (whether it is the quality of the prose or handling the issues). But it is a decent book and a definitely good holiday read.
Currently reading
Kushiel's Dart  I first read about this book in a negative review (the reviewer was mad that the heroine was a maschoist) so obviously I was very interested. What I have found instead of trashy S&M scenes is a slightly above average fantasy novel. It is nowhere as good as Game of Thrones but not really bad enough for me to stop reading.

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