Monday, January 19, 2015

Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants It was a mistake to sleep watch* the film adaptation. The book, as usual, turned out to be much better. It is true that I chose it because I was out of the options with my colleagues audible account (now I have added two novels of my choice to that, thank God) but to my surprise I enjoyed the novel and the reading very much. It is one of those strange stories where a veterinarian student leaves his final exams after the shock of the unexpected death of his parents (in a car crash) and finding out that whatever they owned upto now will be taken away by the bank. So while wandering aimlessly he illegally jumps on a train which turns out to be circus train (this 1930s USA). The story is told from the point of view of the lead character Jacob as 93 year old old man and his younger self alternately. He falls for a married woman, makes unlikely friends and dangerous enemies in the circus.

The film was not good (to be generous) but the novel is worth checking out.

*Sleep watching is done on a plane while you dose off and wake up and keep watching. 

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