Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Raid 2 (And A Viewing Project)

The Raid 2 And it was worth the wait. I saw The Raid in NYC with a small but appreciative audience (and I think that watching martial art action films are better with an appreciative audience). There was much to like in The Raid. A new type of martial art, great art direction and almost non stop fights where one gets her/his fill and feels good since everything else is good too.

This one is a sequel and actually did everything right as far as I'm concerned. There were lots of fights, some gun action, car action, drama and all of them were directed with a sure hand, good heart and a good eye for aesthetics. I would have loved to have screen caps.

Our hero Rama has to go undercover this time. He is put into prison to get close to the only son of a mafia don in order to smoke out the corrupted cops. The son is an asshole but a handsome one (he reminded me of old time Turkish cinema jeunne premier Ediz Hun).


Later on he is proven to be a complete physco. Killing his father (and only because he won't let him do as he wants), his partner and the corrupt policeman. He is of coursed killed by Rama.

Anyway the fights were all good. They even brought back the long haired dude from the first film (his character died in that one if I remember correctly but I didn't mind since he is a great on screen fighter). Some scenes reminded me of Park Chan Wook's films especially Old Boy (I suspect the director Gareth Evans likes him) with the hammer scenes but the inspiration is used in a different context and it felt like inspiration not plagiarizing.

My favorite scene was the one in the kitchen. It went for a long time and I found myself really into it whimpering from time to time. Kudos and congratulations.

Viewing Project: Ok I have realised that I'm a lot into books (hahahahahaha) and have been neglecting watching films as often. This is usually no problem but there is a large amount (large amount at least for me) of unwatched films that I have purchased over the years. So I have decided to pick one from each end on the shelf and watch them every night. Since I bought them, something in them must have appealed to me no? Anyway The Raid 2 was the first and let's see how this will go. 

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