Monday, January 26, 2015

Miss Granny

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Miss Granny is a film I was eager to watch but there was not a dvd. So when my Sister offered me to loan it from her "files" I decided to give it a go.

And I loved it. This is one of the best examples of a regular S.Korean comedy which made me fall for this country's cinema.

Our heroine is an old woman who had to suffer a lot to raise his son on her own. Now he is a professor and he has two children and our Granny lives with them happily making her daughter in law uncomfortable (what's this with mother in laws? Really) She has her half time job at a senior's café, a very good friend (who is in love with her) from her childhood days and generally all is well. And her daughter in law develops a heart condition due to stress and since her source of stress is our granny, she is about to be placed at a senior's home. This is a tough blow in this society and very similar to my own. While she was feeling sorry for herself, she decides to have her passport photo taken and by a miracle turns into a 20 year old. This is hillarious right from the start since her looks are 20 years old but her hairstyle and dress is for her 70 year old self. It takes her some time to adapt but she does and even manages to make her dream of becoming a professional singer true and also develops a mutual crush on a hot guy. But does she feel happy not having her son as her son and having her grandson as her friends. She still hangs out with her old friend and he is the first one she confides in.

I laughed, I cried and generally had a ball with this one. 

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