Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Good Omens

Good Omens was a delightful surprise. The colleague who has very kindly allowed me to share and use his audible app has purchased this one. And I loved it to bits. It has made me laugh and Martin Jarvis was such a good reader that I'm thinking of getting a Dickens classic just to hear him read again.

This book is about the coming of the Armageddon. There is a demon, an angel, a witch, two witchhunters, four horsemen of the apocalypse, nuns, soldiers, a medium and four kids during one summer. It was simply hillarious and I highly recommend.

I'm wary of collobarations normally, despite the fact the I remember liking The Talisman. But then again I have read Peter Straub and didn't like his novels at all (and I LOVE Stephen King's books). This one is another duo. One I love (Neil Gaiman) and one I don't know anything about, Terry Prachett. Maybe I should give Terry Pratchett a try. Hopefully it'll be better than Mr.Straub.

As for Neil Gaiman, I would never even have hear of him if not for James MacAvoy. Yeah I had this crush on him last year and naturally wanted to watch everything he was in. Exploring I have come across that he has read something called Neverwhere with a bunch of people and it was on Audible. So I asked my colleague to purchase it for me and when I went to pay for my book I have found out that he has mistakenly downloaded a Neverwhere that has been read by the author. Well since I had paid for it I decided to hear it. And I liked it so much so that when my collague who has also liked the man (or his popularity) but found a different novel would suit him better, purchased American Gods I started to listen to it right away. And now I'm a fan of Mr.Gaiman and everything of his I have read, I liked. Now the person to thank for is Mr.MacAvoy I suppose :) And thank God for this sort of thought process and happy coincidences. 

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