Monday, December 15, 2014

The Terminal

Picture credit:

The Terminal was not a film I had been keen on viewing. Despite the fact(s) that I love Tom Hanks (such an excellent actor), I love Steven Spielberg (despite his misplaced whimsies from time to time) and I love airports and flying.

Anyway at a time when I was suffering from severe toothache (root canal renewal and I can't take painkillers and didn't think of alcohol) I saw this one at Dvdigi and gave it a try. It is not surprise that I loved it. This is best viewed as one of those fairy tale films where one does not need to get stuck up with the facts. I love the cast (Diego Luna was a welcome surprise) and the airport (JFK) that still had more bookstores than it now has. Tears flowed (though I'm not sure whether those were due to the film or the toothache) and a good time was had despite the odds. 

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