Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Don Jon

Don Jon Yes another Joseph Gordon-Lewitt film. The trailers for this one I have seen in when in SF and it seemed like a fun film. And it is a fun film. Spoilers.

Ok first off you need to think that JGL is a hot guy. This is a bit of a strech since he is treated like Brad Pitt Leonardo Di Caprio or something in the film. His friends call him Don Jon in reference to Don Giovanni I suppose. Anyway he is a constant gym goer, goes to church on Sundays (Catholic) and dates fast and hard with beautiful women. But his true love is porn and he doesn't give it up even when dating Scarlett Johansonn. Ok Scar Jo and Christian Bale are two actors that have turned me around. I used to dislike them a lot for no reason but now I liked both of them a lot. Scarlett here plays a girl we usually see everywhere. Her character is very close to what is termed in Turkish social media as a "Turkish Girl". She is hot, likes to make up and dress trendy. She loves to take on men as projects going toward marriage. Well Scarlett hooked Jon and he follows willingly. Some of the Scarlett effects are good such as starting night class. But she is really not interested in him as a person but he seems more of a project. Anyway he meets Julienne Moore in night class and despite not finding her attractive or being drawn to her or anything, she talks to him, makes conversation and seems like cool older lady. And in the end (a happy ending) he is dumped by Scarlett for his addiction to porn and saved by Julienne who teaches him that there are better things that two people can do.

All in all I liked the film. It is written and directed by JGL which explains why Jon has to be depicted as such  hottie.  

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