Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Night Moves

Photo credit: The Guardian

Night Moves was a pleasant surprise since I saw the trailer on another dvd one night ago and was curious about it and lo and behold, there it was on Dvdigi. Environmental activism is a subject that is slowly being used in films (I have also seen and like The East) but sadly not in any of the great ones that I have seen.

Now I love Dakota Fanning. She has great talent and is superb in everything I have seen her in including this one. And I kind of like Jesse Eisenberg. Peter Skarsgaard is ok too. All in all I have had no trouble with the performances. However the film itself didn't leave me in suspense or anything similar. It was dark and slow. There was not much of a story, SPOILER   three environmental activists blow out a dam and an unlucky camper got killed. One of the activitists cracked and told others about it and when the other's involvement is exposed, he is fired from his job and felt so bad about the whole thing that he kills her (the third one stays away the whole time) and then has to leave everything and everyone behind anyway.

The two things I liked about this film were the performances and the name. 

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