Monday, December 22, 2014


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Serendipity was not a film I wanted to watch bad. First off I don't like John Cusack and seriously don't get his appeal (here I need to say that I'm able to change my mind from time to time - cases in point Christian Bale and Scarlett Johanson- but with this guy I never did) and I don't like Kate Beckinsale. She is pretty and she made a great Emma but she is not an actress based on whom I'd choose a film to watch.

But I love a rom com and since it was on TV I felt I could enjoy it on some level. I didn't. In my opinion this is how one should not film a rom com. Yes rom com leads always act silly and nonsensical but there is a method to the madness. Not in the case of these two. It just didn't make sense on any level. I actually fell asleep towards the end.

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