Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Invisible Monsters

Invisible Monsters was probably not the right choice for me to start to this novelist. It was not bad but I didn't find anything interesting in it. Which is kind off odd since the characters in the novel are:

- a beautiful woman who has a truly deformed face (the lower half all gone, no jaw, teeth etc. with a gaping would at the throat where sometimes her tounge sticks out)

- a cop whose duty used to be to catch gay men who are after some action in public parks

- a model wannabe who has a lot of family money but a bit big boned (best friend of the beautiful woman above)

- a man who is slowly turning into a women (everything but the vagina is completed)

They all are somehow connected and these connections are revealed to us with twist after twist and it sort of kept me going but not enough to seek other novels by Mr.Palahniuk.  

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