Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Phantom waited until I had free points in my credit card. And it turned out to be one of the best of Harry Hole books. Poor Harry is put to lots of emotional and physical difficulties.


And the novel end with Harry being shot by Oleg, the son of the love of his life with whom he can now release all the hopes of being together in the future since not only Oleg is the killer but also Harry tried to arrest him. A mother is not going to forgive or forget that. Children usually trumps husbands. As Harry lies at a junkie den with three bullets inside him (one in the head) I felt terribly sorry for the guy. And this one had excellent twists (one I saw coming and the other I didn't see).

Of course I know Harry is going to live (the poor guy has a finger cut off, has a large, nasty scar on his face and now is on the brink of death, this is on top of  being an alcoholic, causing a colleagues death due to drunk driving, having a girl friend getting killed by a serial killer, having the love of his life almost get killed by another serial killer - this is when he lost his finger- and falling on and off the vagon various times (at least once in each book including this one).

I'll wait a bit until reading the one after this (Policeman) but I still like Harry and was saved from dropping him by this good book. 

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